Kniri 221  Alternate Tunings


Update:  28.01.2025

I don't sell harmonicas and accordions, but I would like to make my ideas available to anyone who is interested !
I've been looking for alternate tunings for harmonicas for over 20 years. Then I tried out my ideas.

The SEYDEL company made the specially tuned harmonicas for me.
I published the ideas on facebook and harmonica forums. You can also watch my videos on YouTube.

I was looking for an easier way to play the Blues with the common three chords (C, F and G7 in the key of C)
After playing around for some time I invented (2001) a continuous scale for diatonic instruments."Kniri 221"

The "diatonic-cyclic" tone arrangement makes it possible to play identical melodies in several major and minor keys.

On a 10 hole harmonica, this allows to play 5 different mixolydian major scales and 5 different natural minor (aeolian) scales,
which are related/similar to the circle of 4ths (and 5ths)

The tones have a regular spacing: 221221221221etc. 2=whole tone, 1=semitone

The nice thing about this is if you blow or draw any four notes right next to then it will always result in a flat7th-chord major,
diminished or minor, depending where you are.
This makes it very easy if you want to use the instrument to accompany someone and for improvisation.


B* = H deutsch,  Bb = B deutsch  

G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow , 8 chords- G7, Bdim, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim   
/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw , 8 chords- Am7, C7, Edim, Gm7, Bb7,Ddim, Fm7, Ab
Ab   Eb, Gb     Db, E     B*,D   bendings

Kniri 221 (cyclic scale in the circle of 4ths)


mixolydian major chords/scales and
natural minor (aeolian) chords/scales:

Kniri 221 Tuning


G7        F7            Eb7         
      Dm7    Cm7     

G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db     blow
1  2  3   4  5  6   7  8  9  10                     
A/C/E/G/ Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb    draw

Am7     Gm7       Fm7
       C7       Bb7 Demo in Cm  Demo in Eb


G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow, chords- G7, Bdim, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim   
1  2  3   4   5  6   7   8  9  10                    
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw, chords- Am7, C7, Edim, Gm7, Bb7,Ddim, Fm7, Ab

KNIRI 221 (A)


KNIRI 221 (F)                                                                                                                                                 


KNIRI 221 (D)


KNIRI 221 (E)


Accordion Harp


Kniri 221  Alternate Tuning

Layout Kniri 221  in G
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow: Harmonica / pull: Accordion !
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
A/C /E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw: Harmonica / push:  Accordion !

B* = H deutsch,  Bb = B deutsch

The "diatonic-cyclic" tone arrangement "Kniri 221" makes it possible to play identical melodies
in several major and minor keys
(5 mixolydian and 5 natural minor (aeolian) scales) over an octave on the same instrument.
In a scale consisting of 20 tones, the 5 minor and 5 major scales over 1 octave each and 16 triads
in the circle of fifths/fourths are related to each other.
Always 3 tones next to each other result in a triad, alternating minor, major and diminished etc.

The chords fit together (tonic, subdominant, dominant = in C major: C, F and G7).
The tones have a regular spacing: 221221221221etc. 2=whole tone, 1=semitone
There are bluenotes: minor third and minor seventh (in C major Eb and Bb.)
This arrangement of notes is therefore ideal for playing in the blues scheme.

Cyclic Scale "221" in the circle of 4ths (Kniri Knaus)
regular steps :   221221221221221221221... ..  steps:  2= wholetone 1=halftone


Beispiel: from G to G  = 6 octaves,  all 12 keys,  36 tones !!!!!! (like a spiral)

Kniri 221 Harmonica

Exemple: from low tone  G  to high tone  Eb  blow-draw-blow-draw......etc
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db    Harmonica blow  (Accordion pull)
A/C /E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb      Harmonica draw  (Accordion push) 

B* englisch = H deutsch !

total 16 triads (in the circle of 4ths and 5ths )
G,C,F,Bb,Eb,Ab-Dur    A,D,G,C,F-Moll     B*,E,A,D,G dim (G7,C7,F7,Bb7,Eb7 )

14 four-tone chords are also possible:

blow: G,B*,D,F----B*,D,F,A----D,F,A,C----F,A,C,Eb----A,C,Eb,G----C,Eb,G,Bb---Eb,G,Bb,Db

draw: A,C,E,G---C,E,G, Bb---,E,G,Bb,D---G,Bb,D,F---Bb,D,F,Ab---D,F,Ab,C---F,Ab,C,Eb



Alternate tuned Accordions (Cajun Accordion/Melodeon)


BluesÖrgeli  Kniri 221

Blues in C

B*englisch = H deutsch,  Bb englisch = B deutsch

2212212212212212212---pitches, steps
A C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb - push
G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db - pull

1221221221221221221---pitches, steps
G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db- push
F# A C E G Bb D F Ab C - pull

2122122122122122122---pitches, steps
E G Bb D F Ab C Eb Gb Bb- push
D F A C Eb G Bb Db F Ab - pull



Tunings for diatonic instruments, harmonicas and cajun accordions

Richter-Tuning (Standard-Tuning)  in F  (par exemple)

blow  F A C F A C F A C F
draw  G C E G Bb D E G Bb D

Kniri 221-Tuning 10 holes ( G, Am, C, Dm, F, Gm, Bb, Cm, Eb, Fm, Ab)

blow    G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db
draw    A C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb

same scale, Richter: C E F G A Bb C D

5/7/2/4/6/1/3b/5/7b/2b     blow harmonica / pull accordion
6/1/3/5/7b/2/4/6b/1/3b   draw harmonica / push accordion

Kniri 221-Tuning 6 holes (SEYDEL BIG SIX) ( C,  Dm, F, Gm , Bb)

blow     B* D F A C Eb
draw    C E G Bb D F

same scale,  Richter: C E F G A Bb C D

Kniri 221-Tuning 12 holes  ( D, Em, G, Am, C, Dm, F, Gm, Bb, Cm, Eb, Fm, Ab)

blow     C# E G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db
draw     D F# A C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb

same scale, Richter: C E F G A Bb C D



G A B* C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C
1  2  3 4 5 6 7b 1 2 3b 4 5  6b 7b 1 2b 3b 4
C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F




Kniri 221    221221221221....  B* englisch = H deutsch

G / B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db    blow   harmonica / pull  Accordion
A / C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb       draw  harmonica / push  Accordion

C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb / Gb
D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F / Ab


Variante 212   212212212212......

A / C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb
B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F

D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F / Ab
E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb / Gb / Bb


Variante 122    122122122122.....

B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F
C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb / Gb


F# /A / C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C
G / B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db


further ideas :


"JAZZY BLUES" Tuning   (Kniri Knaus)
Exemple  for playing in C-major  
(note 10 blow and note 8 draw = 1 semitone higher than by Kniri 221)

G7..Dm7..F7..Cm7..Eb..Gm   chords and scales

G/B/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/ blow
1  2  3   4   5  6   7   8  9  10                    
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb   draw

Am7..C7..Gm7..Bb7..Dm..F7  chords and scales



"Kniri 221" in G      Kniri 221 Tuning Demo

G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow    G7, Dm7, F7, Cm7, Eb7
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
A/C /E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb  draw    Am7, C7, Gm7, Bb7, Fm7, Ab


"Richter" Tuning (Standard Tuning) for comparison

F/A/C/F/A/C/F/A/C/F      blow       F...................
1  2  3  4 5  6  7 8  9 10         
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D  draw      C..........C7, Gm , Gm6

Gb,B*,Eb,Gb---Db  --------     bendings


"Richter-Kniri" Tuning 
Demo Youtube Blues in C
This tone arrangement is a combination
from "Richter" and "Kniri 221"

F/A/C/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db   blow (F-F6-Dm7-F7)
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw (C-C7-Gm7-Bb)
Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,      B',  D    bendings

1.position for Folk und Country ( F-major) blow
2.position for Jazz und Blues (C major) draw

Melodies in minor (D-minor and G-minor)


MIXO-KNIRI  Tuning  (C)  (hole 2 blow = 1 wholetone higher than Richter-Kniri tuning)
mixolydian blues scale   bluenotesEb+Gb bendings   Bb draw  Eb blow

A/D/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb    blow  ,  chords- Dm7-F6-F7-Adim

C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F  draw ,  chords- C7-Edim-Gm7-Bb
B*Eb,Gb        Eb,Gb     Db,E  bendings

scale: A,B*,C,D,Eb,E,F,Gb,G,A,Bb,C,C,D,Eb,E,F,Gb,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F

A-D-F-A-C'-D'-F'-A'-C''-Eb''---- blow





Kniri 221  (basic) Tuning in (G)

G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow , chords-  G7, Bdim,  Dm7,  F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim    
1  2  3   4   5  6   7   8  9  10                     

A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw , chords-  Am7, C7, Edim, Gm7, Bb7, Ddim,  Fm7, Ab
Ab,  Eb,Gb      Db ,E     B*, D   bendings



KNIRI-EXTRA  Tuning in Gm (hole 2 blow and 3 draw= 1 semitone lower than Kniri 221)

G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow , chords-  Gm7, Bb,  Dm7,  F7, Adim,  Cm7, Eb7, Gdim    
1  2  3   4   5  6   7   8  9  10                    
Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw , chords-  Adim, Cm7, Eb, Gm7, Bb7, Ddim,  Fm7, Ab

Ab,B*    Gb      Db ,E     B*, D   bendings


My most commonly used tuning for playing in one key :
I slightly changed the spiral tuning to improvise on jazz standards like All Of Me, On The Sunnyside Of The Street, Lady Be Good etc.
"CIRCULAR BLUES"  Tuning   (System Kniri Knaus)
lower half -circular- and upper half -Kniri 221-
for playing in 2 1/2 octaves.
Hole 9 blow and hole 7 draw = 1 semitone lower than Basic Circular/Spiral Tuning.

C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G   blow    
D/F/A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A  draw
Db Ab  Eb,Gb  Db,E,Ab  bendings

C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/E/G   blow    
D/F/A/C/E/G/B'D/F/A  draw


"RICHTER"  in F  Standard !
F/A/C/F/A/C/F/A/C/F        blow    
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D  draw

Gb,B',Eb,Gb    Db                  bendings

"KNIRI 221"  in G  (B'=H deutsch)
G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw

Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,       B',  D    bendings

5/7/2/4/6/1/3b/5/7b/2b  blow
6/1/3/5/7b/2/4/6b/1/3b   draw


"SPIRAL/CIRCULAR"  in G  (Basic)
(B'=H deutsch) 
G/B'/D/F/A/C/E/G/B'/D  blow
A/C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/E   draw

Ab    Eb,Gb,Bb,Db   Ab     Eb  bendings

"KNIRI 221"  in G
(B'=H deutsch)
G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw

Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,       B',  D    bendings

5/7/2/4/6/1/3b/5/7b/2b  blow
6/1/3/5/7b/2/4/6b/1/3b   draw


Diminshed Tuning
Octatonic whole-half scale  2121.2121.2121.......


BLOW   C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb
DRAW   D F Ab B D F Ab B D F

BEND    Db E G Bb Db E G Bb Db E


Pat Missin, Alternate Tuning List

6.8 - KNIRI TUNING 221 (Kniri Knaus)

BLOW C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb Gb
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW D F A C Eb G Bb Db F Ab

6.8a - KNIRI TUNING 1222 (Kniri Knaus)

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW Db F Ab C Eb G Bb D F A

6.8c - KNIRI TUNING 222 (Kniri Knaus)

BLOW C Eb G Bb Db F Ab B Eb Gb
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW D F A C Eb G Bb Db F Ab

6.8d - SPIRAL BLUES (Kniri Knaus - not actually a Spiral Tuning)

OLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW Eb Gb Ab C Eb Gb Ab C Eb Gb

6.8e - SPIRAL BLUES ALT (Kniri Knaus - also not actually a Spiral Tuning)

BLOW C Eb Gb Ab C Eb Gb Ab C Eb
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Scale Finder Seydel Harp Congfigurator
Pat Missin, Alternate Tuning List


further ideas :

"Kniri 1122..."  steps 1122.1122.1122........6.Modus
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica

8-Tone Scale Messian Mode 6 "1495" Ian Ring.

blow: C D Gb Ab C D Gb Ab C D
hole:  1 2  3   4  5  6  7  8   9 10
draw: Db E G Bb Db E G Bb Db E

bend:        Eb,  A,       Eb,    A,      Eb.
missing notes: F and B

                     D7            D b5          Ab7           Ab b5
Chords  blow:  C D Gb----D Gb Ab----Gb Ab C----Ab C  D
Chords draw:   Db E G----E G Bb-----G Bb Db-----Bb Db E
                      Db dim     E dim         G dim          Bb dim


"Kniri 2211..."  steps 2211.2211.2211.......(6.Modus)
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica

Messian Mode 6 Inverse 3445 Ian Ring

blow: C E Gb Bb C E Gb Bb C E 
hole:  1 2 3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
draw: D F Ab B D  F Ab B  D  F

bend:  Db,   G,     Db    G,       Db
missing notes: Eb and A

                     C b5          Gb7           Gb b5         C 7  
Chords  blow:  C E Gb----E Gb Bb----Gb Bb C----Bb C  E
Chords draw:   D F Ab----F Ab B------Ab B  D----B D F
                      D dim       F dim         Ab dim      B dim


"Kniri 2112..."    steps 2112.2112.2112......(6.Modus)
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica.

Scale ..... C/D/Eb/E/Gb/Ab/A/Bb/C/D/Eb/E/Gb/Ab/A/Bb/C/D/Eb/E.....
Saptyllic 1885 Ian Ring

blow: C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb
hole:  1 2  3   4  5  6  7   8  9 10
draw: D E  Ab Bb D E Ab Bb D E

bend:  Db,    G,       Db,    G,     Db
missing notes : F and B

                       C dim       Eb dim       Gb dim      A dim
Chords  blow:  C Eb Gb----Eb Gb A----Gb A C----A C  Eb
Chords  draw:   D E Ab----E Ab Bb----Ab Bb D---Bb D E
                        E7            E b5        Bb7         Bb b5


"Kniri 1221..."    steps 1221.1221.1221.......(6.Modus)
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica.

Scale ..... C/Db/Eb/F/Gb/G/A/B/C/Db/Eb/F/Gb/G/A/B/C/Db/Eb/F.....
Van Der Horst Octatonic 2795 Ian Ring

blow: C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb
hole:  1 2  3   4  5  6  7  8  9 10
draw: Db F G B  Db F G  B  Db F

bend:       E,    Bb,      E,    Bb,     E
missing notes: D and Ab

                       C dim       Eb dim       Gb dim      A dim
Chords  blow:   C Eb Gb----Eb Gb A----Gb A C----A C  Eb
Chords  draw:   Db F G-----F G  B-----G B Db-----B Db F
                        Db b5        G7           G b5         Db7


Spiral Tuning "Kniri 211" steps 211.211.211.........3.Modus

Scale: C D Eb E Gb G Ab Bb B C D Eb E Gb G Ab Bb B C D

Nine Tone Scale Messian Mode 3 Inverse "3549" Ian Ring


Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D  E  G  Bb C
Holes: 1 2  3  4   5 6   7  8   9 10

Draw: D E  G  Bb C Eb Gb Ab B  D
Bend: Db--   --A----  -F------------- -Db


Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D E G Bb C.......C dim/Ab7
Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D E G Bb C.......Ab dim/E7

Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D E G Bb C........Edim/C7


Draw: D E G Bb C Eb Gb Ab B D........Edim/C7
Draw: D E G Bb C Eb Gb Ab B D........C dim/Ab7

Draw: D E G Bb C Eb Gb Ab B D........Ab dim/E7

3. Mode

The third mode is based on the major third division of the octave
and divides the major third, the nucleus of the mode, into a whole tone
and two semitones; it can be transposed four times.
In the language used here by Olivier Messiaen
The shape starting from C with the whole tone step already applies
as the 1st transposition. In numerical form, this mode looks like this:
211211211 and has two reversals (112112112 and 121121121)


Spiral Tuning "Kniri 121" steps 121.121.121.....(3.Modus)

9-Tone Scale: C Db Eb E F G Ab A B C Dd Eb E F G Ab A B C Db
Ian Ring.Scale 3003 Genus Chromaticum


Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C
Holes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db
Bend:        Gb,       D,          Bb


Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C....Db7/Fdim
Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C....A7/Dbdim
Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C....F7/(Adim)

Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db....A7/Dbdim
Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db....F7/Adim
Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db....Db7/Fdim

Spiral Tuning "Kniri 112" steps 112.112.112.....(3.Modus)

9-Tone Scale: C Db D E F Gb Ab A Bb C Db D E F Gb Ab A Bb C Db D E F Gb
Ian Ring.Scale 1911 Messian Mode 3


Blow: C  D  F  Ab Bb Db E Gb A  C  D   F
Holes: 1 2  3   4   5  6  7  8   9 10 11 12

Draw: Db E Gb A  C  D   F Ab Bb Db E Gb
Bend:     Eb,         B,           G,            Eb


Blow: C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb A C D F.......Ddim/Bb7
Blow: C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb A C D F.......Bbdim/Gb7

Blow: C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb A C D F...... Gbdim/D7

Draw: Db E Gb A C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb...Gbdim/D7
Draw: Db E Gb A C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb....Ddim/Bb7
Draw: Db E Gb A C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb....Bbdim/Gb7


9-Tone Tuning 1981  Kniri Knaus  03.11.2019

Scale: F, G Ab A Bb C C D Eb E F G Ab A Bb C C D Eb E

Nine Tone Scale 1981 "Houseini" Ian Ring

Symmetric Steps: 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 1

Blow: F Ab Bb C Eb F Ab Bb C Eb  (Fm11, Ab6/9, Bb9sus4, Cm7#5)
Draw: G  A  C  D  E  G  A   C  D   E  (Am11, C6/9, C add2,6, D9sus4)
Bend: Gb----B Db----Gb-----B Db

(with bendings full chromatic !)


Blues Scale II Tuning (A)     = Bb6-Bebop

Blow:   Bb D  F  G Bb D  F  G Bb D  (Bb6 , Gm7)
Hole:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
Draw:  C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb   (C/Eb/Gb/A dim7)
Bend:  B        Ab, B         Ab,B

8-Tone Blues Scale II  Ian Ring

Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb,

Symmetric Steps 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1


Blues Scale II Tuning (B)  

Blow:  C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb    (C/Eb/Gb/A dim7)
Hole:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
Draw:  D  F  G Bb D  F  G Bb D F    (Bb6 , Gm7)
Bend:  Db,E        Db,E         Db,E

8-Tone Blues Scale II  Ian Ring

C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F

Symmetric Steps 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2


Major Bebop Tuning  = C6-Bebop

Blow:  C  E  G  A C  E  G A  C  E    (C6, Am7)
Hole:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
Draw:  D  F Ab B D  F Ab B  D  F    (D/F/Ab/B dim7)
Bend:  Db,       Bb,Db     Bb,Db

8-Tone Major Bebop Scale 2997 Ian Ring

C, D, E, F, G, Ab, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Ab, A, B, C, D, E, F

Symmetric Steps 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1


More ideas for diatonic harmonicas !


"Easy Blues" Tuning  19.11.2019 Kniri

 Richter    Richter   Kniri

A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/C/Eb        blow   (F-F7)
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F     draw    (C-C7-Gm7-Bb)

B,Eb,Gb     B, Eb,Gb     Db,E      bendings


"Simply Blues" Tuning   23.11.2019 Kniri

F/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/C        blow   (F)
G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D    draw    (C7-Gm)

Gb,B,Eb,Gb   B, Eb,Gb   Db      bendings


"3 Times Blues" Tuning  "Lucky13"   26.11.2019 Kniri

  Richter    Richter    Richter

F/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A         blow   (F)

G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb   draw    (C7)
Gb,B,Eb,Gb   B, Eb,Gb    B, Eb,Gb        bendings


"3 Times Blues" 12 Hole Tuning  19.11.2019 Kniri
3 Times Richter 2-5 


 Richter    Richter    Richter

A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A         blow   (F)

C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb   draw    (C7)
B,Eb,Gb     B, Eb,Gb     B, Eb,Gb        bendings



"Richter-Kniri" 12 Hole Tuning   22.12.2024 Kniri

  Richter         Kniri 221

F/A/C/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb/G        blow   (F-F6-Dm7-F7-Cm)

G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A    draw    (C-C7-Gm7-Bb-Dm)
Gb,B,Eb,Gb       Eb,Gb     Db,E,Ab         bendings


"Easy Blues" 12 Hole Tuning   22.12.2024 Kniri
2 Times Richter 2-5 + Kniri 221


 Richter    Richter     Kniri 221

F/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/C/Eb/G          blow   (F-F7, Cm)

G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A     draw    (C-C7-Gm7-Bb-Dm)
Gb,B,Eb,Gb    B, Eb,Gb    Db,E,Ab         bendings


Links: Seydel Harp Configurator



"Bluesy Tuning" versus "Orchestra S" (Seydel)

Layout "Bluesy Tuning" (Kniri Knaus)

C/D/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb blow----- chord Dm7-F6-F7
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F draw---- chord C7/9-Gm7-Bb

--Eb,Gb----Eb,Gb--Db,E bendings

Layout "ORCHESTRA S" Solo Tuning (Seydel)

C/F/F/A/C/F/F/A/C/F blow-------- chord F
D/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D/E draw----- chord Gm6

Db--Gb---Db--Gb----Db bendings

6 tones are different as "Bluesy"
2,6,10 blow and 1,5,10 draw


"Basic Spiral"
G/B*/D/F/A/C/E/G/B/D blow
A/C/E/G/B/D/F/A/C/E draw

"Kniri 221"
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw

Retuning "Basic Spiral" to "Kniri 221"
Retune Blow
0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1
Retune Draw
0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1

F/A/C/F/A/C/F/A/C/F blow
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D draw

Retuning "Richter" in F to "Kniri 221" in G
Retune Blow
+2 +2 +2 0 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -4
Retune Draw
+2 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +1

G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw



B* = H deutsch,  Bb = B deutsch


Kniri 122 (cyclic scale in the circle of 4ths)


Kniri 221

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10



Kniri 122

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10



Kniri 212
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10




Kniri Minor Blues 1 Tuning


C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb/G    blow  
D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/A   draw
Db, E, Ab, B,  Gb,    Db,E, Ab,   bendings


Kniri Minor Blues 2 Tuning


C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb/G    blow  
D/F/Ab/C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab   draw
Db, E,     B,       Gb,A, Db,E,      bendings


Kniri 221   Alternate Spiral Tunings for diatonic harmonicas

I've been looking for alternate tunings for harmonicas and diatonic accordions for over 20 years.
I would like to make my ideas available to anyone who is interested !
The SEYDEL company  made the specially tuned harmonicas for me.

The "diatonic-cyclic" tone arrangement KNIRI 221 (invented 2001, published 2009), makes it possible to play identical melodies in several major and minor keys.
On a 10 hole harmonica, this allows to play 5 different mixolydian major scales and 5 different natural minor (aeolian) scales, which are related/similar to the circle of 4ths (and 5ths).
The tones have a regular spacing: etc. 2=whole tone, 1=semitone.
The nice thing about this is if you blow or draw any four notes right next to then it will always result in a flat7th-chord major, diminished or minor, depending where you are.
This makes it very easy if you want to use the instrument to accompany someone and for improvisation.

"KNIRI 221"  in G  
for playing in G,C,F.Bb,Eb (mixolydian) and Am,Dm,Gm,Cm,Fm (aeolian) for playing 1 1/2 octaves
(B'=H deutsch)
G-B'-D-F-A-C-Eb-G-Bb-Db    blow chords- G7, Bdim, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim  
A-C-E-G-Bb-D-F-Ab-C-Eb     draw  chords- Am7, C7, Edim, Gm7, Bb7,Ddim, Fm7, Ab
Ab     Eb,Gb      Db, E,      B',  D       bendings

5/7/2/4/6/1/3b/5/7b/2b  blow
6/1/3/5/7b/2/4/6b/1/3b   draw

Demo : Youtube  Video
Demo :  Youtube  Video
10 hole harmonica   configured by   SEYDEL


"SPIRAL / CIRCULAR"  in G   (Basic)
(B'=H deutsch) 
G/B'/D/F/A/C/E/G/B'/D  blow chords- G7, B'dim, Dm7, F, Am7, C, Em7, G
A/C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/E   draw chords-  Am7, C, Edim, G7, B'dim, Dm7, F, Am
Ab   Eb,Gb,Bb,Db  Ab    Eb  bendings


Special Kniri Tunings for playing in 2 1/2 octaves :

" KNIRI EXTRA"  in Gm   for playing in Gm (aeolian) and Bb (mixolydian)

G-Bb-D-F-A-C-Eb-G-Bb-Db    blow chords- Gm7, Bb, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim  
A-C-Eb-G-Bb-D-F-Ab-C-Eb     draw  chords- Adim, Cm7, Eb, Gm7, Bb7,Ddim, Fm7, Ab
Ab, B' ,   Gb       Db, E,      B',  D       bendings

"CIRCULAR BLUES"  in Bb   for playing in Bb (mixolydian) and Gm (aeolian)
System Kniri     (B'=H deutsch) 
Bb-D-F-A-C-Eb-G-Bb-Db-F    blow chords-  Bb, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim, Bbm 
C-Eb-G-Bb-D-F-Ab-C-Eb-G    draw  chords- Cm7, Eb, Gm7, Bb7,Ddim, Fm7, Ab, Cm
B'    Gb       Db, E,        B',  D,   Gb   bendings


"KNIRI 221"  in G  (B'=H deutsch)
G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw
Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,       B',  D    bendings

"RICHTER"  in F  Standard Tuning !
F/A/C/F/ A/ C/ F/ A/ C/ F   blow    
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D   draw
Gb,B',Eb,Gb      Db                   bendings

F/A/C/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db   blow
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw
Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,       B',  D    bendings

"CIRCULAR BLUES" in C  System Kniri 
C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G   blow     
D/F/A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A   draw
Db    Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,Ab    bendings

per comparison:

"ZIRKULAR" in C  (Seydel)
(B'=H deutsch) 
C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/E/G   blow     
D/F/A/C/E/G/B'/D/F/A   draw



"SPIRAL / CIRCULAR"  in G   (Basic)
(B'=H deutsch) 
G/B'/D/F/A/C/E/G/B'/D  blow
A/C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/E   draw
Ab   Eb,Gb,Bb,Db  Ab    Eb  bendings

"KNIRI 221"  in G  for playing in Bb and C
(B'=H deutsch)
G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw
Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,       B',  D    bendings

" KNIRI EXTRA"  for playing in Gm and Bb
(B'=H deutsch)    
G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow
A/C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw
Ab B'    ,Gb     Db,E,       B',  D    bendings

"KNIRI 221"
Tuning in the circle of 4ths
B' = H deutsch !

G7..Dm7..F7..Cm7..Eb7  chords and scales

G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db  blow harmonica / pull accordion
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb   draw harmonica / push accordion
Ab    Eb,Gb     Db,E,       B',  D     bendings

Am7..C7..Gm7..Bb7..Fm7  chords and scales

5/7/2/4/6/1/3b/5/7b/2b     blow harmonica / pull accordion
6/1/3/5/7b/2/4/6b/1/3b   draw harmonica / push accordion


"JAZZY BLUES" Tuning in C  System Kniri  

(note 10 blow and note 8 draw = 1 halftone higher than by Kniri 221)

G7..Dm7..F7..Cm7..Eb..Gm   chords and scales

G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/ blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb   draw
Ab    Eb,Gb      Db,E,Ab,B'         bendings

Am7..C7..Gm7..Bb7..Dm..F7  chords and scales


"RICHTER" Tuning  in F 

Standard Tuning !

F/A/C/F/A/C/F/A/C/F       blow     
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D  draw
Gb,B',Eb,Gb     Db                   bendings

"RICHTER-KNIRI" Tuning in C 

hole 1-5 blow = Richter,  hole 6-10 blow = Kniri 221
hole 1-4 draw = Richter,  hole 5-10 draw = Kniri 221

A/C/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb     blow     
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F  draw
B',Eb,Gb          Eb,Gb,    Db,E  bendings

"KNIRI EXTRA" Tuning in Am    for playing in Am and C
Hole 10 blow and hole 8 draw = 1 semitone lower than Basic Circular/Spiral Tuning.

A/C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb     blow     
B'/D/F/A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F  draw
Bb,Db   Ab     Eb,Gb      Db,E    bendings

System Kniri 
Hole 9 blow and hole 7 draw = 1 semitone lower than Basic Circular/Spiral Tuning.

C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G   blow     
D/F/A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A  draw
Db    Ab   Eb,Gb     Db,E,Ab     bendings


System Kniri  

C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G   blow     
D/F/A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A  draw
Db   Ab     Eb,Gb     Db,E,Ab   bendings
Hole 9 blow    and    hole 7 draw = 1 halftone lower than Basic Circular Tuning

per comparison:

Basic "CIRCULAR" Tuning in C  (Seydel "Zirkular 1")

C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/E/G   blow     
D/F/A/C/E/G/B'/D/F/A   draw
Db   Ab,   Eb,Gb,Bb,Db   Ab   bendings